Kapsulyst K2 Double Espresso Coffee Machine - Kapsulyst
Kapsulyst K2 Double Espresso Coffee Machine - Kapsulyst
Kapsulyst K2 Double Espresso Coffee Machine - Kapsulyst

Kapsulyst K2 Double Espresso Coffee Machine


Kapsulyst's Coffee and Tea Maker K2®  is loaded with benefits, a programmable function for 2 cups/serving sizes lets you get to the exact dilution point for your taste, a 3.2 Lts water tank, touch buttons, capsules count, steamer and smart dual operating system with LED display

Cup Size Options: 2, Programmable.
Color: Black
Water Tank: 1 Lt (32 fl oz)
Disposal Container Capacity: 30 capsules x 2. 
Dimensions: 54x48x43 cm
Weight: 32.5 Kg
Tension: 3.800 W
Voltage: 220V & 110V
Plug Type: US plug Type A (2 pins)
1 Year Limited Warranty.
Compatible with:

  • Kapsulyst™ EP Capsules.